You should know

We’re not perfect

We are not perfect. We don’t claim to be sustainable.

We exist in a broken system. A broken system we are actively trying to change. But simply by existing we are having an impact.


We could claim that as a business we have reached Net Zero because we do not have any scope 1 or 2 GHG emissions. As many businesses who have no scope 1 or 2 emissions do.

All of our GHG emissions are scope 3. This is not sustainable. So we do not consider ourselves to have reached net zero.

We have planned a scope 3 route to net zero and we’d love to be there by 2035, but everyday we find out that somewhere upstream or downstream there’s another set of scope 3 emissions we had yet to uncover.

This website for example is a Squarespace site and is not powered by green energy -

So while we use Squarespace we don’t endorse them and we will be moving to another provider.

If you would like a copy of our Net Zero plan please get in touch.